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Winter hacks

How to care for leather gloves and mitts

How to care for leather gloves and mitts

Well-maintained leather gloves and mitts can last for decades. Here are some tips to ensure a long life for your gloves.

Always dry your gloves before putting them away

Leather gloves should air dry without being exposed to excessive heat. A membrane such as GORE-TEX or WATERGUARD® could melt if exposed to too much heat.
Do not put your leather gloves directly on the radiator or in the dryer. Instead, we recommend using a metal hanger folded in half. Insert your glove standing on top and place it about 30-45 centimeters from the radiator to dry it at moderate temperature.

Clean your gloves occasionally

Avoid washing your gloves too often with water. In general, a dry cloth is enough to remove excess dirt from your gloves.
However, for rather dirty gloves, wipe them with a clean, damp cloth. If your gloves are very dirty, first use a mixture of mild soap and water on a clean cloth, then follow with a second damp cloth to remove excess soap. Finally, put on the gloves while they dry to keep their shape.

Treat your gloves with a leather balm

On your dry gloves, apply a good amount of balm and spread it with a cloth until it completely penetrates the leather and it is saturated. Well-treated leather will be more resistant to water and wear. We recommend applying the balm in the evening so that the leather absorbs it overnight.

KOMBI offers a wide selection of leather gloves and mittens. You can view them here.

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